„The Fall 2023 JOBVERSE Job Fair was like a flash of lightning.” – one of our exhibitors summed up their experience, adding: „When JOBVERSE first started, many people thought it would not be a success because it had to start from scratch. You have now thoroughly debunked that.”
Indeed, we dared to dream big, and with our innovative ideas, we created Hungary's first experience-oriented event, the JOBVERSE Job Fair. Over the years, we have received a lot of feedback. Here are some of them.
visitors' feedabck
"A colorful, diverse, high-quality event, with smiling and friendly, open, helpful employers and prospective colleagues on site."
Gabriella Elekné IlovaiJOBVERSE visitor
"The fact that I had the opportunity to meet the HR staff of the employers in person, and I would like to highlight the MOL Group's stand where I had the opportunity to be interviewed."
Bianka NémethJOBVERSE visitor
"The organization, the possibility to attend job search related presentations and to meet with employers' representatives all in one place."
Attila SzuvákJOBVERSE visitor
"Interesting presentations, lots of exhibitors (I will go both days next year)."
Anett KrixJOBVERSE visitor
"The website was transparent and easy to use, it was nice that they provided a map, and the people at the stands were open."
Mária JáróJOBVERSE visitor
"I really liked the good organization, the many exhibitors and the fact that visitors had the opportunity to gain new experiences while looking for a job."
Dóra Kerezsi-NagyJOBVERSE visitor
"What I liked the most was the kindness, that we were not looked down upon for being from the rural area, and the love that filled the whole facility, so much so that we went home at 16:45 with a sore heart. We will be back for sure! 🙂🖐️"
Szabolcs HuppauerJOBVERSE visitor
"Everything was very well organized, I attended both days and found it extremely useful."
Erika PotóczkiJOBVERSE visitor
"Modern exhibition, high level of information"
Roxána DoboróczkyJOBVERSE visitor
"The motivation and the spirit of the exhibitors made me want to work there (e.g. NIX)."
Patrik Tamás GrohmannJOBVERSE visitor
"The attitude of the employers. I could feel that the employees were important. They talked to me, told me about the company, about the products; some of them even showed them to me. It was as if THEY were standing in line, not the employees. I found it practical that at one of the stands the open positions were printed on the wall."
László TóthJOBVERSE visitor
"The stage presentations, because they taught me things I hadn't even thought of before."
Barnabás KontraJOBVERSE visitor
"What I liked the most was that you could get a health check-up, attend counseling sessions and listen to presentations all in one place"
Nguyen Thac BachJOBVERSE visitor
"The exhibiting companies were very professional, prepared and flexible. They were very welcoming, which is a big plus, since they were holding up the whole time! 🙂 The event was very well-rounded and interactive, I loved the presentations."
Gábor TarnayJOBVERSE visitor
"I liked the professionalism of the organization (personalized QR code, color-coded selection, exhibition spaces), the wide range of programs, and the self-awareness related presentations and counseling opportunity in particular."
JOBVERSE visitor
"The top quality of organisation and management which made the communications between prospective employees and representative staff much easier."
Sali SaidJOBVERSE visitor
"The diversity of the exhibitors, the professionalism of the presentations and the counseling They provided a lot of useful information that I will be able to use in the future."
JOBVERSE visitor
exhibitor's feedback
JOBVERSE is a fun and professional event that we were delighted to attend once again this year. The support you provided for our performance at the Diákszínpad (Student Stage), as well as the professional assistance we received before and during the event was both fantastic."
Szilvia BartuczApollo Tyres (Hungary) LTD
„Thank you very much for the organization and the precise execution of the JOBVERSE Job Fair! Working with you is always a pleasure, and for the second time, JOBVERSE has become our favorite form of cooperation. As exhibitors, we were completely satisfied with the event's quality, preparations, execution, and follow-up work. The event fully met our needs, and we had an excellent experience…"
Diána BaranyiTempus Közalapítvány
„At Silabs, we decided to join JOBVERSE to boost brand awareness and engage with potential candidates in person. Our main target group was job seekers in the IT and engineering fields. Both days of the event was well-organized and dynamic, creating a great experience for both visitors and us.”
Ildikó BertókSilicon Labs
“The job fair offered an excellent platform to showcase our organization and engage with job seekers interested in our work. The presence of numerous JOBVERSE colleagues greatly facilitated the entry and iPad collection process for the many exhibitors. The exhibitor's café played a significant role in ensuring exhibitors' continuous sense of comfort and therefore motivation. On behalf of all exhibitors, I extend my gratitude for the Exhibitor Experience Hour.
In summary, the JOBVERSE team is made up of highly qualified and professional individuals, ensuring that both exhibitors and visitors have a positive and successful event experience.”
"From an exhibitor's perspective, JOBVERSE stands out as the clear winner for me, from the start of the organization until the last visitor leaves.
From the very first moment, the team strived to understand our precise needs to put together a tailored offer for us, and they overcame any obstacle that arose quickly and professionally.
We were not let down during the event either. JOBVERSE delivered the quality it promised and accomplished what I have never experienced elsewhere: a remarkable percentage of relevant candidates visited us, which showed significant results in the post-event period. I think that, especially in the IT sector, this is a real rarity.."
Zsófia AracsiTOPdesk
Thank you to everyone who has been part of the JOBVERSE experience!
If you don’t want to miss our next event in Spring 2024, contact us now!
See you on 28-29 February 2024, the first job fair of the year! Find the best candidates there!
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