
„The Fall 2023 JOBVERSE Job Fair was like a flash of lightning.” – one of our exhibitors summed up their experience, adding: „When JOBVERSE first started, many people thought it would not be a success because it had to start from scratch. You have now thoroughly debunked that.”

Indeed, we dared to dream big, and with our innovative ideas, we created Hungary's first experience-oriented event, the JOBVERSE Job Fair. Over the years, we have received a lot of feedback. Here are some of them.

visitors' feedabck

exhibitor's feedback

Thank you to everyone who has been part of the JOBVERSE experience!

If you don’t want to miss our next event in Spring 2024, contact us now!

See you on 28-29 February 2024, the first job fair of the year! Find the best candidates there!

A rendezvény főszervezője:

2024. október 2. (szerda) 10-19 óra

2024. október 3. (csütörtök) 10-17 óra

BOK "A" Csarnok

(Budapest, Dózsa György út 1 .) @ All right reserved.